Sunday, August 9, 2009

In the land of purple fingers......

About half a mile from my house there is a little patch of blackberries. I have been watching and waiting for them to ripen, but I think someone picks them (other than me, gasp!) and so I have missed the sweet ones every time. But then, two days ago, I saw another patch a little further up the road. It takes a two block walk up the street and there is no close parking. I figured today, after my foraging in the bald patch, that I would walk up there and see what I could find.

Oh I wish I had brought a camera!! There were only about 6 ft of berries... but they were COVERED! I was dropping berries on the ground for the ants to eat (so very not on purpose, although I was glad to see that ants were eating them) just trying to get into the berry goodness that was around me. I got honked at a couple times, and gaped at more (people really don't know that berries grow on bushes around here... it is amazing) but I got about 10 cups of blackberries from that one small patch.

My dad is getting married in two weeks, and his favorite berry is blackberries. I really wanted to make something for the potluck reception they are having with blackberries but I wasn't sure if I would get enough. But enough was certainly provided today. *glee*

I got home and Logan couldn't wait to taste one. :)

This basket below is about 1 1/2 ft across. And it is full to the brim. It was such a great forage!

And joy of all joys, look what I have going on in my own garden:

Very happy local foodie today. :)


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