I have found way too many things to post about lately! Sometimes I just have no idea what to write, but lately it has been a flood of fun stuff and pictures I love. I hope you all are baring with me. Although I haven't found the inspiration to do menu monday again. lol...

Yesterday was market. It was my last market for a couple weeks as I took the next two weekends off for the kids birthday parties! I brought home lots of great stuff again this week though, including: a 2lb bag of peas, and a bunch of fresh carrots, 2 small cabbages, a bunch of mint, dill, cilantro, parsley, and spinach, 1 lb fresh (FIRST!) tomatoes along with a big yellow one for slicing, 2 lbs cherries, and 1 lb peaches (also first!), 4 bunches of wonderful yellow beats, and 6 small zuchinni. Some of this was bought for the housewarming party we are having tomorrow, and some was bought for us to snack on. All looks AMAZING though! July and August are such fun months to live locally!
Hope everyone is having a great Monday!